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Buying a residential property in Victoria

Buying a property involves many near-overwhelming considerations, including where to live, how much finance is needed and the type of property you seek. On top of this we have very complex conveyancing laws! Appointing an experienced property lawyer at an early stage...Read More

Social Media and Family Law – Just Don’t Do It!

Social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and the like – can be a lot of fun and have become an accepted part of modern life.  Many of us use such forms of electronic communication to share the exciting, as well as the banal events in our...Read More

Is a Testamentary Trust Right For You?

One of the most loving things that you can do for your family is make plans for what happens after you die. This is particularly important if you have children or vulnerable adults who depend on you financially. A testamentary trust might be the right tool to help you...Read More